Music and coding by Lee's wizardous friend, Casey. You can visit my magical site here. :)
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS POSTER? Do you find yourself looking at the world with a skeptical lens? Are you willing to dissect the hidden truths of Millsbury......?
Welcome, and thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lee Fisher, I grew up in Millsbury and my family has been around here since the 1980s. Here's a photo because Casey is blackmailing me!!!!

MHSMPSIC2006P is an archive of evidence I put together regarding any non-hearsay of our annual Halloween festival and missing persons cases dating back to Millsbury's founding in the 1880's. Its not a lot because the library archives only cover so much and most of the stuff is from that, but I think what it lacks in numbers is made up for by content.
It seems like nobody has really looked into this stuff except me and the police put down missing persons cases so quick they're all just free to look at now. I guess everyone else was too scared of finding out something they didn't want to if they looked themselves. I don't even know what most of it means, but there is 100% SOMETHING GOING ON!!!!
This website started after digging about my great great great grandpa, who was one of the people in the early 1900s that suddenly disappeared. It's always been a mystery in the family and I got curious. And maybe Ive discovered things I shouldnt have..
You might be thinking it but rest assured I am NOT crazy. Im not trying to make light of this because I know even recently it can be a sensitive topic for some people, I am investigating this with complete seriousness. It's important to consider every angle in stuff like this. Everything on this website is legit and you can find it yourself in public archives.
If you have ANY additions please contact me via the submissions page or you can email me AT DONT SEND ME STUPID USELESS STUFF.